Orsett Hall Wedding

We arrived at Orsett Hall in Essex on a beautiful Saturday morning as the other vendors were still setting up. Being able to capture some stills and a bit of video before anyone else got into the venue was a great opportunity. We managed to get shots of the cake, the tables and even the groom arriving. It also gave us chance to scope out the venue and work out where the best placements would be.

Orsett Hall has a few different places you can get married on site and different reception rooms. J&L were getting married in the Chapel which is set in the gardens and holds around 150 people. It’s perfect for intimate ceremonies and was a beautiful setting for their special day. Again, we were able to get in and get setup before anyone else. We picked our spot behind the registrar, slightly to one side, and got our tripod up. We don’t ever want to intrude on our couples or feel like we’re getting in the way of their friends and family. Staying as out of sight as much as we can is the aim!

Orsett Hall, Essex - cake closeup

As the guests started to fill the Chapel, Dan took his position with the tripod camera at the front and Carly went off to see the bride arrive. Another bonus of hiring us for Wedding Videography is that we can be in 2 places at once. We do come with quite a bit of equipment, but it’s worth carrying it all.

A stretch limo was first to arrive, followed by the bride and her Dad in a beautiful classic car. You can drive all the way up to the Chapel at Orsett Hall but they wanted pictures of the bride walking up the drive. It did make for some great video content though so we were glad they did. Carly caught a few sweet moments on film then dashed into the Chapel ahead of the bride.

Wedding Videography in Essex - inside orsett hall chappel

The ceremony itself was lovely. The Chapel provides such a beautiful backdrop for an intimate wedding. Once married, the couple and their guests headed out onto the grounds for drinks and canapes. Capturing little moments; people laughing among themselves and the children playing on the grass is so important. These little snippets are great for videos and they’re the little memories that often don’t get caught by a photographer. There’s so much more that gets caught on video.

Time for the Wedding Breakfast! This is when we like to take a break. A wedding is a long day, even though it’s great fun, we need a little rest. We made the most of the sunshine and sat outside while the wedding party were inside eating. A meal was even brought out to us! We enjoyed a delicious roast while sitting in the sun.

Noticing that some of the guests were floating about, we headed in to get set up for the speeches. We use a tripod for speeches as well as the ceremony. Our only issue…. A light up dancefloor! Don’t get me wrong, it looked amazing. It was just a little unstable underfoot. Or under-tripod as the case may be. We had to make sure we didn’t move too much so we didn’t make the camera wobble. Trying to keep children from doing it though, that’s a bit harder! Luckily though, they were well behaved, and the tripod stayed up.

Wedding Videography and photography in Essex - Orsett Hall

Afternoon moved into evening and the fun began! Tables made way for more dance space and evening guests started arriving. Lots of people were enjoying the photobooth set up in the corner of the room and others were mingling at the bar.

Capturing the first moments as a married couple is what we do best. We love getting those little looks that are shared privately between them. When they get a couple of moments to themselves that is! After they cut the cake and had their first dance, we whisked them off into the grounds for a few minutes of peace and quiet.

Wedding Videography and photography in Essex - Orsett Hall

We got some beautiful photos with the stunning Orsett Hall lit up in the background. Having held them up for long enough, we all headed back to the party. We captured some of the best footage at this point. The DJ was playing some absolute classics which had everyone up dancing. With most weddings we wouldn’t usually stay as late as we did. It was so much fun though and the footage we caught was worth every second.

A big thank you to J&L for hiring us as your videographers for your big day. We absolutely loved being a part of it and can’t wait to see what the future holds for you. Congratulations on becoming Mr & Mrs!

If you want to view the whole video then head over to our YouTube channel. You can have a look at our wedding work here too.

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