Need a Social Media Management Company? We offer a range of packages to businesses in Essex, Hertfordshire and Suffolk so that they can relinquish the stress of updating their platforms.
DC have become specialists in the “home” sector, promoting builders, AV specialists, stone masons and roofers. With a wide knowledge, we only take on one company per area, per trade so there’s no conflict of interest with direct competitors.
Why DC for Social Media Management?
Many management companies do not offer content creation, or they turn up with an iPhone. DC Media offers professional content creation that stands out from the competitors. It doesn’t matter how clever phones get, they will never reach the standard of a real camera and it does show, even on social media.
Between us we have over 10 years experience in blogging, qualifications in online marketing and have grown our own various social media platforms to impressive numbers. This gives us a great knowledge of different platforms and the best ways to promote a business.

We understand that businesses these days need to have an online presence. The problem is, it takes time and dedication to see growth and many people just don’t have that time. We can help by taking on your social media platforms or by teaching you how to do it yourself.
Our packages start from as little as £495 a month for social media management and can provide photo and video shoots each month as an addition. By including these shoots, it means we will never run out of content! We also never post anything without your say so. Each month you will be sent a report on the progress of your social platforms along with aims for the following month.
SEO Management
DC Media can also help with SEO in the same way as social media. We can take it on for you or we can teach you all about it. Sometimes it’s easier to pay someone to take away the problem and sometimes, you want to learn! We can draw up a report for you and look at better ways of managing your website.
Get in touch for more information and a package tailored to your needs.